Yoga is an ancient practice that became widely popular in Western countries by the 1970’s. Yoga is a mind and body practice that can build strength, improve flexibility, manage pain, and reduce stress. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. Below are 10 common types of yoga:
- Vinyasa Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Bikram Yoga
- Yin Yoga
- Restorative Yoga
- Power Yoga
- Anusara Yoga
The overall philosophy of yoga is about connecting the mind, body, and spirit. There are many benefits that come with all types of yoga styles. These may include:
- Increased flexibility
- Better sleep and relaxation
- Back pain relief
- Decreased stress
- Heart health benefits
- Increased energy
- Improved moods
10 Types of Yoga:
1. Vinyasa Yoga
Also referred to as “flow yoga” or “vinyasa flow”, Vinyasa Yoga is an incredibly common style. Compared to the other types of yoga, Vinyasa Yoga is considered the most athletic style. With that being said, it is suitable for those who’ve never tried yoga as well as those who have been practicing for years.
Known for its fluid and dynamic movements, with every pose smoothly transitioning to the next, Vinyasa Yoga is like a dance! Synchronizing breath with movement, this style of yoga can help enhance body awareness, reduce stress, improve focus, and increase concentration. You’ll practice many of the same postures in each Vinyasa Yoga class, but you might approach them differently or through a different posture variation. If you’re looking for more movement and less stillness, Vinyasa Yoga is the style for you!
2. Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga derives from the Sanskrit words for sun and moon and is designed to balance opposing forces. It is a gentle form of yoga that can be a good place for beginners to start. This particular style focuses on physical posture, breathing techniques, and relaxation to channel vital energy. You can explore Hatha Yoga in ways that take you beyond certain limitations, but fundamentally, it’s a physical preparation – preparing the body for a higher possibility. Hatha has hundreds of poses, including well-known ones such as downward-facing dog and standing forward bend. Poses are usually held for several breaths before moving onto the next.

3. Iyengar Yoga
Named after its founder, B.K.S. Iyengar, this yoga style became popular in the United States in the 1970s. Alignment and precision are the hallmarks of Iyengar Yoga, which commonly incorporates props like blocks, straps, and bolsters to help maintain correct alignment. Compared to the other types of yoga, this style is known for the high level of training required of its teachers and for its resourceful use of props.
Through slower movements and an emphasis on quality over quantity, Iyengar Yoga combines asana (poses) and pranayama (breath) to build strength, stamina, and flexibility. It is a powerful and sophisticated discipline that can be beneficial in many aspects of daily life. Iyengar Yoga is great for anyone of any age or skill level. Plus, of all the different types of yoga, it is most ideal for people who like variety in their practice, as each class is unique!
4. Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is meant to enhance your awareness and help you move past your ego. It is sometimes called the “yoga of awareness.” Kundalini Yoga is most associated with Yogi Bhajan, a yoga teacher from Pakistan who’s credited with introducing the practice to Western countries in the 1960s. Compared to the other types of yoga, Kundalini Yoga is a more spiritual practice. It is also more precise and repetitive. As other styles of yoga flow with your breath, Kundalini Yoga combines movements, singing, chanting, and breathing in specific patterns. The element that seems to really draw people in is Kundalini’s emphasis on self-awareness and actualization. It is a promise that appeals to creative types and celebrities, but also to anyone who’s concerned with how to grasp their talents and live their best life.
Often, people wear white while practicing Kundalini Yoga because it is believed to deflect negativity and increase your aura. If you’re looking for both a physical and spiritual practice with a specific purpose, this style of yoga is perfect for you!
5. Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic, physically demanding style of yoga that focuses on the connection between breath and movement. It is a rigorous style of yoga that can help improve focus, discipline, and reduce stress. While “Ashta” refers to the number eight, and “Anga” means limb or body part, Ashtanga is the union of the eight limbs of yoga, into one complete system.
The intensive physical processes in Ashtanga Yoga focuses on pushing through mental blocks, and emotional baggage to cultivate mindful breathing, mental clarity, flexibility, physical strength, and endurance. This yoga style is known to be quite strenuous, so it is ideal for athletes and people looking for a great workout!

6. Bikram Yoga
There are many types of hot yoga out there, but Bikram Yoga is one of the most well-known and popular. Essentially, it is a routine of 26 yoga poses practiced within 90 minutes in a room heated over 100 degrees Fahrenheit with 40% humidity. No matter where you may attend a Bikram Yoga class, these same 26 yoga poses will be used, and the class will last roughly the same amount of time.
Participants are often encouraged to focus inward, monitoring their bodies’ responses to the heated conditions and intense physical activity. Even once you get used to the poses, Bikram Yoga will always test your endurance (partly thanks to the heat). The aim is to make you sweat. Bikram Yoga enthusiasts say that all the sweating you’ll do during a class increases the detoxifying effects of yoga. If you’re looking for a great yoga class while breaking a good sweat, Bikram Yoga is a perfect option!
7. Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced and therapeutic style of yoga that focuses on your mind, body, and soul. Yin Yoga works deeply into your body with passive, longer-held poses. Mainly working the lower body, Yin Yoga targets the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, and lower spine. The poses are held for up to five minutes or longer. Different from many other types of yoga, Yin Yoga is yoga for the joints, not the muscles.
Yin Yoga is ideal for anyone who wants to engage in a quiet, reflective yoga practice that involves holding poses for longer periods. This yoga style is excellent for calming your mind and dropping you into the deep intelligence and wisdom of your body. If you’re new to yoga, want to balance intense workouts, or have certain injuries, you should try Yin Yoga!

8. Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is a very different experience than most other types of yoga. It is a restful practice that encourages relaxation and stillness. As the name suggests, Restorative Yoga “restores” the body. At its core, Restorative Yoga is a practice of passive healing. As you hold poses for longer periods of time, you can achieve physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. When your body enters a state of relaxation, your mind can also consciously relax as tension melts away. The only work required during a Restorative Yoga practice is to pay attention to your breathing, become aware of any sensations or thoughts, and then gently release them.
A person spends a Restorative Yoga class in four or five simple poses, using props such as blankets and bolsters to transform into deep relaxation without exerting any effort when holding the pose.
9. Power Yoga
On the other hand, maybe Restorative Yoga isn’t for you! Are you looking for a more comprehensive and fast paced style of yoga? A style that will get your heart rate up? Try Power Yoga! Power Yoga is an excellent form of yoga for burning calories. It is a vigorous, fast-paced style of yoga that combines strength training, cardio, and flexibility. Compared to other types of yoga, Power Yoga is more dynamic than meditative.
Often, Power Yoga will have a focus on a specific part of the body or group of poses and will build in a progressive sequence, from more basic poses to more advanced. A Power Yoga class may seem more similar to an aerobics class rather than a relaxed, mindful yoga experience. Since there is a lot of quick movement and some challenging yoga positions, it is important that you already have some baseline strength before joining a class. It also doesn’t hurt to have a basic understanding of the standard yoga poses!
10. Anusara Yoga
Anusara Yoga is a modern style of Hatha Yoga that focuses on aligning the mind, body, and heart. The term Anusara may be translated as “flowing with grace,” “listening to your heart,” or “going with a flow.” Anusara Yoga classes begin with an incantation and end with silent meditation. Although there are no specific postural sequences, there are some general guiding principles that are designed to allow all students to move forward in their class.
The Anusara technique caters to individuals of all ages, experience, and level of fitness. Similar to Restorative Yoga, the psychological benefits include decreased stress and increased relaxation, as well as general improvements in one’s mental stability and well-being. In addition to philosophy and flow, Anusara Yoga places a significant amount of focus on correct alignment, often using props to help students learn the appropriate body positions. Similar to many other types of yoga, classes can be challenging but quite fun and rewarding!

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