Why Gyms Should Sell Products on Their Website

Why Gyms Should Sell Products on Their Website

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Gym’s that sell various memberships or even supplements, merchandise, and clothing, should consider selling these on their website. This is a valuable way to promote your gym and increase sales. Many gyms only sell and advertise these items inside their facility. Members aren’t always considering making purchases while they work out. This also gives prospective members the ability to purchase a membership without having to visit the facility. Here are 3 reasons why gyms should sell products on their website.

Improve Gym Visibility

Selling products on your website will increase the online presence of your gym. People will be able to see the many options and offerings of your gym. The products can promote the benefits of memberships, clothing, and merchandise, or even fitness supplements. Many gyms simply only sell products in their facility which only allows them to make sales in their facility. With products on your website, everything is viewable to anyone considering your gym or who is a current member.

Increase Revenue

It has been well established that selling online can increase revenues, the same applies to gyms. For gyms looking to increase revenue, an online product store may be a good solution. However, this requires taking online payments and dealing with the product shipping, which not all gyms can handle. A product store increases the presence of your gym past the doors of the facility. Besides memberships, attractive merchandise can reach people all over the internet and into your product store. For tech-savvy customers, they can easily purchase memberships through a product store which is a huge advantage to only selling memberships within your gym.

Promote Additional Gym Offerings

For gyms that sell add-ons or classes in addition to memberships, this is a great option. With a product store, you can sell membership add-ons, personal training options, and classes. This gives you the option to show prospective or current members the variety of options your gym has to offer. Many gyms simply don’t take advantage of the possibilities of the internet, which is very important for all gyms. A product store will also people to compare membership offerings and compare the benefits of the membership options before deciding on making a purchase either online or on-site.

If your gym is considering integrating a product store, contact us at Rhinofit Gym Management or schedule a demo to see how we could help your gym!

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Image of RhinoFit's Client Spotlight highlighting Empowered Fitness a gym in Arlington Massachusetts

Empowered Fitness Client Spotlight

Located in Arlington, Massachusetts, Empowered Fitness is a gym that welcomes all fitness levels and backgrounds! Empowered Fitness offers in-person and online