RhinoFit Spotlight and Case Study: Insurgent Fitness

RhinoFit Spotlight and Case Study: Insurgent Fitness

   Introducing RhinoFit Spotlight Client: Insurgent Fitness

Insurgent Fitness is an innovative, multi-discipline gym that offers a wide array of fitness services in Flagstaff, AZ. Insurgent’s facility is a hybrid of traditional weight machines, free weights, and more modern strength and conditioning equipment. Additionally, there is an open martial arts room equipped for multi-discipline martial arts training. Insurgent offers 24/7 gym access, Individual and Group Personal Training, Yoga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and Judo. Insurgent’s Membership Plans are not only priced competitively but stand out by allowing members to unlimited Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and Judo classes throughout the month (without being limited to choosing just one) as well as 24/7 Access giving their members valuable cross-training and scheduling flexibility. Remarkable individual and group personal training are available to aid members’ growth. Along with those work out options, Insurgent offers proven Nutrition Plans and Digital goal-based Workouts. Insurgent’s overall business model proves the dedication they have for the growth and success of its members. RhinoFit chose Insurgent Fitness as a Spotlight client not only for the facility and offerings but the family-like atmosphere and unwavering dedication for success.

Case Study: RhinoFit Saves Costs and Streamlines Tasks

RhinoFit is excited to help Insurgent streamline tasks from all their offerings while saving time and money, allowing them to focus on what is important: member motivation and success. We had the opportunity to catch up with Insurgent’s owner, Morgan Baggs, and find out how RhinoFit is working with his dynamic business plan. Morgan is just as excited as we are that switching to RhinoFit is not only saving hundreds of dollars in overhead (software cost, reduced staff hours, payment processing) but also saving valuable admin time by automating tasks that were previously time-consuming. RhinoFit’s Rank and Belt Progression Tracking feature has been one example. Although his previous software had the feature, he did not find it useful and describes RhinoFit’s as, “It is very intuitive, very streamlined and the automation and reporting saves a ton of time since keeping track 60 or 70 martial arts students can be cumbersome.” Another feature Morgan is benefitting from is RhinoFit’s Door Access Control System. Insurgent is able to allow members more schedule flexibility and while saving money on staff hours. Because RhinoFit offers all of the features without charging for add-ons or tiered pricing, Morgan is pleased with the savings on the software. Overall, RhinoFit is allowing Insurgent to operate more smoothly, at a lower cost, while saving time to focus on what is most important, client growth and success!

Are you in the Flagstaff, AZ area and want to experience Insurgent Fitness? Click Here

Other features used by Insurgent Fitness: Membership Check-In, Scheduling, Payment Processing, Attendance Tracking, Website Integration, Digital Waivers, and more!

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