In our RhinoFit gym spotlight of the month, we’re featuring Aurora Fitness Center! Aurora Fitness Center is owned by Dane and Sara Sutherland and is located in Aurora, Nebraska. They have been in business for over 9 years and currently offer a 24/7 Gym with Virtual Classes.
Name of Business?
Aurora Fitness Center |
Where is your business located?
Aurora, Nebraska
How long have you been in business?
9 years
What types of services or classes do you currently offer your community?
24/7 365 Gym with Virtual Classes on an 80″ TV
How long have you used RhinoFit Software?
3 years
What were the main reasons you chose this software?
The willingness to create the DAC system so we didn’t have to interface in a 3rd party.
How has RhinoFit helped to support and grow your business?
Before RhinoFit, we were 100% on paper with slow turnaround times getting people set up and everything was via check or cash. Now we are 100% online set up with a process that as soon as the account is created, the person gets a barcode to use the gym right away. No more waiting AND we have complete freedom to leave town!
With COVID-19, what changes have you made to your business to keep your members safe?
We increased cleaning. We are fortunate that we are in a state that never went into lockdown and in a small enough town that we could always stay below social distancing recommendations so members have always had plenty of room to spread out and keep distance from each other.
Where can people go to sign up for your classes or services?