Application Updates, November 2024

System Updates

Application Updates, November 2024

Application Updates Regarding New Features, Bug Fixes, and Feature Enhancements

New Features

  • Added “PCA”, “Westervelt”, and “CMC Gas” as new insurance types for Insurance Reports.
  • Added integrated Business Listing and Review service to facilitate Local SEO.
  • Added “Professional Affiliate Program” with bundled resources, including integrated Business Listing and Review services.
  • Added Point of Sale and EMV Terminal support for the Ingenico DX8000 and PAX A920 Pro.
  • Added support for the Canadian processor, Moneris, for the DX8000 and A920Pro.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Gmail and Yahoo mail resolution and deliverability issue via “Reply-To” syntax.
  • Fixed resource consumption issues by removing references to a vestigial notification system.
  • Fixed edge case where some expired memberships would not be flagged as such, thereby ensuring all expired memberships show properly in the “Expired memberships” report.
  • Fixed display (alignment and design) of Administrative UI for the Donation Widget.
  • Fixed edge case where “Cash Offline” payments made via “Accept Payment” UI for “All Bills” caused certain bills to split into a $0.00 bill that would then be marked paid, thereby preventing the payment of the last bill.
  • Fixed issue where waiver submissions with a birthday failed to populate the user’s birthday.
  • Fixed edge case where waiver submissions facilitated the insertion of duplicate Barcode IDs, potentially impacting DAC access for any other member using said Barcode ID.
  • Fixed bug that prevented certain legacy reports from being exported.
  • Fixed display of certain “Select” UI elements to permit the drop down to display upward on the screen instead of downward off the screen, thereby ensuring universal functionality across multiple screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Eliminated poor performance related to Point of Sale / EMV Terminal UIs and Reporting. Originally, these experiences were exponentially slower for larger facilities with thousands of bills and payments that have persisted over multiple years. Now, the performance for massive facilities is substantially similar to small and normal sized entities, having stress-tested and verified resolution times well below one second.
  • Fixed bug where altering any user field on the “Custom Fields” > “Profile Information” would result in the “People” > “People” > “Customize” view to list all profile fields twice.
  • Fixed bug where student view of refunds would show an incorrect descriptor instead of the original payment’s descriptor.
  • Fixed oversight where deleted discounts were unable to be viewed and therefore unable to be removed from existing memberships. Now, deleted discounts remain functional but are shown, with a notice that the discount is deleted, when editing a membership, thereby facilitating the ability to remove said discount.
  • Fixed bug where online order comments were not being saved and were therefore not viewable on the product order in the Administrative UI.

Feature Enhancements

  • Enhanced “People” > “People” > “Custom” with “User ID” column for Data Management.
  • Extended Guardian and ReCaptcha protections to the public-facing Donation Widget.
  • Modified “Move Class Time Instance” to formally flag associated reservation records as “Cancelled”, thereby permitting reservations by the same users for the same time slot.
  • Enhanced session security for APP API.

These updates are in direct response to customer feedback and suggestions. They were implemented to address individual and general concerns of business owners actively using the RhinoFit Gym Member Management Software to manage their facility. RhinoFit has published these updates in demonstration of its commitment to its customers’ evolving needs.

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Image of RhinoFit's Client Spotlight highlighting Empowered Fitness a gym in Arlington Massachusetts

Empowered Fitness Client Spotlight

Located in Arlington, Massachusetts, Empowered Fitness is a gym that welcomes all fitness levels and backgrounds! Empowered Fitness offers in-person and online